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Year 3 (2020 - 2021)

Year 3's Christmas Wish

Welcome Letter 


Welcome back everyone! And welcome to the juniors!! I hope you have had a lovely summer and enjoyed the sunshine (and rain!). Hopefully, you are looking forward to coming back to school after what seems like a while. Please don’t worry about anything – we will spend the first few days talking about our feelings, discussing any worries or hopes for the year and getting to know each other through lots of fun activities.


We are planning to have September as time to catch up on important skills and knowledge that you may have missed from Year 2. There will be lots of activities built into our work to make sure our brains are stretched and given a good ‘work out’.  Once we are ready, we will move onto our Year 3 curriculum. Our first topic is…..Stone Age To Bronze Age. More information about this fantastic topic will be coming soon to our class page.


Things at school will be a little bit different when you come back than it was the last time we were all together in March. Once you are back in school, with all your friends, it will feel totally normal again – like we have never been away!


Some of the things that have changed so that we keep safe from any nasty bugs are: firstly, you will be starting school at 9:00am through our 'normal' Year 3 doors. We will be finishing school at 3:15pm. Not everyone will have the same start and end times so that there are sinks available for you all to wash your hands on your way into school. We will be washing our hands more often including: arriving at school, before eating, and when leaving school. Instead of eating dinner in the hall, you will be eating your dinner in the classroom. Myself and Mrs Klimczak will be cleaning your desks regularly throughout the day as well as cleaning any equipment that we are sharing such as the iPads. On the playground, we will stay in our class ‘bubble’ and not mix with any of the other year groups.


I know as soon as we have completed our first day together, we can get rid of any worries and you will then feel super confident about being back at school. I can’t wait to see you all again and am so looking forward to all the fun we are going to have!  

Mrs Holliday

