We have reached the end of our first half term together. The children have been amazing and have made so much progress already. We finished the week off with some amazing printing art and cave art work. Look on our class photos page to see what we have been learning.
Math's homework has been given on Ed Shed and Spellings on the spelling shed. The English task is below. Enjoy and thank you to everyone who has sent in their homework over the past few weeks.
Have a great half term!
This week's Math's and Spelling homework can be found on the Ed shed site which the children have been given the logins for. They have activities assigned for them to complete.
The English work, this week, is all based on conjunctions which we have covered in class. The mild task is based on Year 2 conjunctions and the spicy on Year 3. The children can choose the task they feel most comfortable.
Homework for 9th October
Another super work week - brilliant instruction writing (pictures on the website page for photos); learning about different soils in Science and learning all about Stonehenge in History.
Reading is Read Theory which you have the logins for. I will be checking the progress of the children next week so hopefully we will see an improvement in their reading.
There is a simple Maths; a more challenging Maths and a super challenge for some.
Homework for the 2nd October
We have had another super week. In English we are finishing off our Woolly Mammoth writing. We have completed some assessments in Math's and Reading so we can plan for what we need to learn next and fill any of our gaps. Have a look at our Art work on the class photos - it is brilliant!
Don't forget to read every night using Read Theory and play spelling and Math's games on Ed Shed now you have the logins. The children have been using these websites in class and know to google search for both websites. Any problems, let me know.
Have a great weekend.
Homework for 25th September
We have had a super week this week. Lots of brilliant learning has been happening. The children have been working hard in English - writing the body of their instructions full of descriptive language. In History, we have looked at housing and artefacts from the stone, bronze and iron periods.
Maths This week we have been exploring number lines. There are two sheets. One that is a little easier and one a little trickier. You can choose which one you complete. There is also a challenge as I know some of you have been whizzing through the sheets! Wow!
You can do both if you so wish. Remember to look at what the number line is jumping in…ones, tens, hundreds first and mark them on the line to help you.
Homework for Friday 18th September
We've had a great week and produced lots of fantastic learning. I have added some pictures to our webpage of some of the things we have done. More to follow next week!
For homework, there is a Math's task...an English task and a spelling task. The knowledge information for History, is there for you to enjoy and discuss the children's learning throughout the topic.
I have shown the children the homework and have gone through it in class. I hope they enjoy it. Have a great weekend!
Mrs H x
This week, in English, we have been recapping expanded noun phrases. Firstly, watch the video below and complete the activities to remind you what one looks like. Then, have a go at completing the challenges.
Unfortunately, at the moment, written activities cannot be brought to school, however, pictures of work can be emailed to the given email which has been sent via Parentmail. We will share these pictures, on a Friday, in class but at present, no individual marking will take place.
At the moment, we are working on all joining an online reading programme called Read Theory. All the children, in the juniors, should have their login details ready and have taken their initial assessment by next Friday. They will then be able to access personalised reading online at home, using these logins. In the meantime, please encourage children to read books at home or on the internet via the Love Reading For Kids website where you can join at access free extracts from books.
Thank you for your continued support at this strange time. Any issues, please don not hesitate to contact me via the school office. Have a lovely weekend.