(Summer 2) Pirates - Non-Chronological Report
Ooohhh ARghhhhh mi hearties! What a fabulous first day back Year 2 have had! Dressed in their finest pirate attire, we researched pirates by becoming them for the morning! We swept the deck, looked out for enemies and untangled ropes to see what jobs pirates did. The children used a game to come up with a pirate name and learn all about the Pirate Code. Card games were played underneath the tables to get a feel for how cramped and dark pirate boats were and our personal favourite; tried dried crackers, biscuits and lemons to see what pirates ate!! yuk! Well done Year 2 for all your pirate research!! arghhhhh!!
(Summer 1) Narrative Writing
This term Year 2 started off by reading the book, The Marvellous Fluffy Squishy Itty Bitty, a delightful tale of a little girl who goes on a journey to find her mum the best birthday present ever. To introduce us to the book, we did lots of activities around it, creating our own front cover, writing a 'blurb' and looking at characters, conversations and the sequence of events in the story.
Once we had got to know the story, we started gathering vocabulary. The children especially liked the cakes to help them come up with some positive smell words! Delicious!
This term we have continued to use Jane Considine's The Write Stuff to boost our writing skills! By discussing and planning vocabulary it really improves our sentences that will help us in our independent write. Year 2 planned some fantastic sentences, with lot of new and exciting vocabulary, including techniques such as adjectives, alliteration, repetition, similes, inner thoughts and conjunctions. We thought about characters feelings to add interest to our work. Great job Year 2!
We've practised some great new vocabulary and now we are planning our independent write. By plotting our paragraphs and choosing specific success criteria for each paragraph, we could formulate a sentence to help us form the basis of our story. We even decided whether it would be a positive or negative experience on our narrative map. Well done Year 2 on some fantastic ideas and vocabulary!
Well done Year 2 on some lovely independent writes' using our narrative maps and effective sentences!