All homework will be set and should be completed on SeeSaw. The children should be familiar with this as they used this in Year 1. We will however spend some time reminding the children how to use SeeSaw in class.
Homework will be set on a Friday and should be submitted by Wednesday. This gives me chance to look over the homework and mark it before setting new homework on Friday.
Homework will be made up of; an English task, a Maths task, weekly spellings and daily reading. As the year progresses we will also encourage the children to practice their timetables via TTrockstars (this will commence from Autumn Term 2.)
Reading books will not be sent home and instead books should be accessed via your Childs Oxford Owl account. Your child will have a book set for them which they are to read at home. This should then be recorded on the GoRead system which your child also has an account for.
Additional to the maths home, to support times tables practice at home, please encourage your children to watch and join in with the Super Movers videos for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We use these in class and they really work to engage the children. Follow the below link.
Phonics is still a big focus in Year 2, particularly during the Autumn term. Please encourage your children to access these below resources;
If you have any problems accessing any of these resources or problems with SeeSaw, please do not hesitate to contact me on my teacher email;
Many thanks,
Miss Clarkson.