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We have shown that we can read and understand text today during our Easter egg hunt!!

We have been observing the different stages of a caterpillars life cycle. We have been learning lots of new vocabulary and different facts about caterpillars and butterflies. Miss Tyrer suggested we could be authors and write our very own non fiction books! We got to work straight away! When we had finished and made sure we had included the content page and blurb, we went to share our non fiction books with Nursery! 

Now we know all of our letters, we are learning how to form them properly. We are beginning to practise the ‘curly caterpillar letters’. We are trying very hard to make sure we hold our pencil with an effective grip and remembering to start our letters at the top. It can be a little bit tricky however the children have been working their socks off to impress our very own caterpillars! 

We have been sharing our favourite books for World Book Day! The children told us about their book and there favourite part.

When the children came to school this morning, they noticed our home corner had turned into a crime scene! 

We went to look for clues! The children noticed that there were the different sized chairs, three different sized bowls and some porridge! There was also a book which told the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears! We went quickly to the carpet to listen to the story. 

Once we had read the story we started to think about how the three bears might be feeling. We brainstormed our ideas and developed some fantastic adjectives such as sad, mad, cross, unhappy and distressed. Miss Tyrer wondered what the three bears might say after coming home to such a mess and no breakfast! We had some great ideas such as ‘I am cross because I wanted to eat my porridge’ and ‘I am distressed because my chair is broken’. We wrote down what the bears might say. We tried really hard to form our letters correctly and remember our finger spaces. 
