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Afternoon Activities


Today I would like you read the book 'Jan in a Jam'. This book has all of the sounds we learnt last week j, v, w and x. You can play the video below to check if you can remember the sounds before you start to read. 

You can find this book on Oxford Owl in the letters and sounds section. 


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Still image for this video

Expressive Art and Design 


Wool and Sandpaper Art 


For this activity you will need:

scrap wool/cotton/string 




Children can cut the material in to various lengths (you may want to talk about longer and shorter).  They can create patterns/shapes and pictures on the sandpaper.  The can use their fingers to move the material around the paper and see what happens (the sandpaper may pull the fibres) .


What will the children be learning - using wool and threads can be a real challenge for children fine motor skills. 



If you are unable to find the equipment then you could try making glass soap pictures


You will need: 

a mirror/glass door/window

small bar of soap


Adult to cut the soap into small pieces. Use the soap to draw directly onto the glass. You could show children some pictures of ice/frost and ask them to use it as inspiration for their work. 


What will the children be learning-  The children will experience the sensation of using soap on a smooth surface. The will also have the opportunity to consolidate their  fine motor dexterity and mark making skills.

