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In March, we began our topic called Lent:Easter - Giving. Two of our pupils delivered this Collective Worship at the beginning of our topic.

Our next topic is called Eucharist - Relating. We learn about giving and receiving. We began with creating our own class poem about sharing and taking turns.

We began the spring term with a new topic: Local Church- Community.

During our Baptism/Confirmation topic, we researched how Sean Devereux was called to God. We used Microsoft Word to present our findings.

In our RE  lessons this week we are learning about Judaism. We began by learning about the Jewish Holy Book and the Torah scrolls. We learnt the names of the 5 books of the Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. We watched videos explaining how revered the Word of God is and how Jews show respect when handling and reading from the Torah. We designed our own Sefer Torah (cover for the Torah) using a selection of Jewish symbols. Using a video from the Lyfta website, we watched how a Jewish girl in Denmark prepared to make her Bat Mitzvah - a ceremony marking the transition into adulthood for young Jews. We concluded our week, explaining how we thought Jewish boys and girls would prepare for their Bar Mitzvah (boys) / Bat Mitzvah (girls) and how they might feel about this special ceremony.  

We watched a video about a Jewish girl called Leah, who lived in Denmark, preparing for her Bat Mitzvah. We rote about how she prepared for this special ceremony.

Our current topic is Baptism/Confirmation - Belonging.
