Homework in Year 2 will be set on a Friday and is due to be handed in either on or before the following Friday (1 week). It will consist of the following daily tasks:
- reading - 10-15 minutes each day - record daily in the reading record
- spelling - practice the weekly spellings on a daily basis and return the completed sheet on the following Friday
- times tables - daily practice of your child'd target times table
- Spellings and times tables will be tested every Friday. The children will bring their test results home so that you are able to monitor their progress and provide help when needed.
- Another piece of homework will be set every Friday that will be linked to what the children have been learning in class. It may be a Maths or English task, topic, research or, later on in the year, a project. These tasks should be returned the following Friday (1 week later) unless stated otherwise.