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St Bede's Curriculum

St Bede's Curriculum Statement 

St Bede’s curriculum is closely designed around our school mission and vision statements: Love, Learn and Serve.  We recognise that a curriculum has to be broad, balanced and offer pupils opportunities to grow as individuals as well as learners. Encompassed within our vision, is the need for pupils to be exposed to a range of topics and experiences that broadens their understanding and equips them with the skills our children need to be successful, confident, life-long learners who reach their full potential.


As a Catholic School, the teachings of the Gospels are at the centre of everything we do. Pupils are taught to treat each other with respect and to support each other in their learning. We aim to ensure that pupils enjoy learning and feel prepared for life after school.

We intend to offer our pupils new and exciting experiences that are designed to build resilience, confidence and self-esteem both in the classroom and through extra-curricular activities. We recognise that pupils should be challenged in their school; learning from failures and celebrating successes. We intend for our curriculum to enable pupils to develop their interpersonal skills, creativity and independence.


As a result of recent research we are working towards a ‘Knowledge Rich Curriculum’ where children acquire a depth of knowledge in all areas of the curriculum. We have a cross-curricular topic approach and, alongside this, we build in enriching and enlivening topic weeks which immerse the children in a variety of relevant themes.


It is our intention that pupils leave St Bede’s with a sense of belonging to a community where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate and make connections. Our curriculum enables us to build strong relationships, celebrate diversity, encourage respect and build a sense of community.
