Year 5 Homework Friday 13th November 2020
This week, all homework activities can be accessed online.
Spellings and Maths are on EdShed and your English homework is on SeeSaw.
Daily Reading - Reading Theory - use your individual logins to read and answer questions online.
Daily Times Table Practice - Log in to TT Rockstars or Ed Shed or use the App Hit the Button to practise your multiplication and division facts. Are you an expert yet?
Year 5 Homework Friday 6th November 2020
Daily Reading - Reading Theory - use your individual logins to read and answer questions online.
Daily Times Table Practice - Log in to TT Rockstars or Ed Shed or use the App Hit the Button to practise your multiplication and division facts. Are you an expert yet?
Daily Spellings - This week's spelling list and activities/games can be found under the assignments section on the Ed Shed website. Use your individual log ins to access. Keep practising your spellings throughout the week. Remember to learn the rules and follow the patterns. Break each word down into syllables. It helps!
Maths - Login to Maths Shed to test your skills on adding together 5 and 4 digit numbers. Remember you can play the games more than once. If you need to, write the calculations down on a piece of paper or whiteboards then input the answers when you are ready.
English - This week's English homework has been uploaded on to Seesaw. All children have been given a set of instructions to bring home detailing how to log into and access their individual Seesaw accounts at home. This can be done online or using the App. Over the last few weeks, the boys and girls have been using Seesaw in class for lots of different activities so should be able to confidently use the platform to complete and upload their homework so that I can see how they have done and respond accordingly. Once logged in, go into the Activities tab, tap +Add Respond to complete this activity.
In class, this week you have been practising writing your own Haiku and Kenning poems, written in the style of Malorie Blackman, the best-selling author of Cloud Busting. Log in to Seesaw and respond to the acitivity that I have set you. I hope you're feeling creative! You're going to write me two poems about Bonfire Night.
Year 5 Homework Friday 23rd October 2020
Daily Reading - Reading Theory - use your individual logins to read and answer questions online.
Daily Times Table Practice - Log in to TTRockstars or Ed Shed and practise your multiplication and division facts.
Spellings - This week's spelling list and activities/games can be found under the assignments section on the Ed Shed website. Use your individual log ins to access. Keep practising your spellings throughout the week.
Geography Research - use the following website to read all about the 6 main World Biomes.
Record 3 interesting facts about each of the six world biomes. One facts about the climate; one fact about the different species of animals that live there and one fact about the different species of vegetation (plants) that grows in each of the different biomes.
Enjoy your half term!
Year 5 Homework Friday 16th October 2020
Daily Reading - Reading Theory - use your individual logins to read and answer questions online.
Daily Times Table Practice - Log in to TTRockstars or Ed Shed and practise your multiplication and division facts.
Spellings - This week's spelling list and activities/games can be found under the assignments section on the Ed Shed website. Use your individual log ins to access. Keep practising your spellings throughout the week.
Maths - This week's maths homework is an online quiz which you can access via the Ed Shed website. You will find it in the assignments section. You're going to practise using NEGATIVE NUMBERS. Use your individual log ins to access the game.
English - During our grammar lessons this week we have been revising how to use fronted adverbials. Click on the link below and carry out the activity.
Year 5 Homework Friday 9th October 2020
DAILY HOMEWORK: Remember to use your Read Theory login to read at home; practise all your times table multiplication and division facts using TTRockstars and learn your spellings.
Year 5 Homework Friday 2nd October 2020
In our grammar lessons this week we have developing our understanding of expanded noun phrases even further to include adding a prepositional phrase after the noun.
E.g. Mr Howarth parked his neon, green sports car next to an Asda truck on the car park.
The marauding monster inside the space ship searched high and low for some food.
Choose ONE of the three activities below to complete this week. Look at the questions and decide which one you will be able to complete independently.
Spelling Lists and Activities
Year 5 Spelling Programme for the majority of children.
Year 4 Spelling Programme should be accessed by children taking part in Toe-by-Toe or on PIVATs.
In our Maths lessons this week we have been learning how to read, write and order numbers up to 1 million. We have also continued to practise identifying the value of the digits in a range of numbers.
Task: click on the link below to play the online game where you have to identify the value of the specified digit. Write them down and then check your answers at the end.
Daily 10 - once on the game, choose level 6. Then choose Digit Values. Next, choose how many seconds you want to give yourself to answer each question. If you don't want a time limit and want to move to the next question yourself then choose 'manual'.
Remember, you have to write the answers down then check them at the end.
Year 5 Homework Friday 25th September 2020
During our grammar lesson this week, the children have been revising how to use expanded noun phrases when writing descriptive sentences.
E.g. The ancient, rusty staircase with corroding, metal railings.
The huge, furry spider with eight enormous eyes.
Please click on the link below which will take you to the BBC Bitesize page titled ‘Expanded noun phrases'.
Please read the information, watch the videos and complete Activities 1, 2 and 3. Remember, you can email me your activity sheet so that I can see what super expanded noun phrases you created next to the pictures.
Spelling Lists and Activities
Year 5 Spelling Programme for the majority of children.
Year 4 Spelling Programme should be accessed by children taking part in Toe-by-Toe or on PIVATs.
In our Maths lessons this week we have learning how to recognise, compare and order numbers up to 100,000.
Please one of the activities below.
If you worked with Miss Cutler, please complete 'Comparing and Ordering numbers to 100,000'.
If you worked with Mr Wilson, please complete 'Numbers to 10,000'.
Year 5 Homework – Friday 18th September 2020
During our grammar lesson this week, the children have been introduced to relative pronouns and have begun learning how to use these to insert relative clauses into their sentences.
E.g. The sports car, which was bright red, raced around the track at top speed.
Mrs Taylor, who lives at number 43, always waves to me when I pass her house in the morning.
Please click on the link below which will take you the BBC Bitesize page titled ‘Relative Clauses’.
Please read the information, watch the videos and complete Activities 1, 2 or 3 dependent upon your son or daughter’s level of understanding.
Spelling Lists and Activities
Year 5 Spelling Programme for the majority of children.
Year 4 Spelling Programme should be accessed by children taking part in Toe-by-Toe or on PIVATs.
In our Maths lesson this week we have been revising rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100 and learning how to round to the nearest 1000.
Click on the link below which takes you to the Top Marks website where you can practise your rounding skills by playing the following interactive online games.
Practise what you have been learning in class. The first game is for those children who have worked with Mrs Jones this week.
This game practises rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.
This game practises rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.
This game practises rounding to the nearest 10. 100 and 1000.