Our most recent Catholic School Inspection took place on the 10 and 11 October 2024 under the new inspection framework. The overall effectiveness of Catholic education at St Bede’s is good with the Catholic life and mission highlighted as being outstanding. The report reflects the dedication of our staff, governors, pupils and parents and the strong Catholic ethos and values that underpin our school community.
The inspectors were deeply impressed by many aspects of our school life. Below are some of the comments made by the inspectors about our wonderful school:
- The Catholic life and mission of St Bede’s is reflected in every encounter and throughout the school, ensuring a real sense of belonging and community which is valued by all.
- Pupils know that they are cared for deeply and who to go to if there is a problem.
- There is a strong sense of community, evident in the quality of relationships and tangible culture of welcome.
- Displays and spaces within school are reflective of the attention and care devoted to its Catholic life and mission.
- Staff are exceptional role models for pupils. They display extremely supportive relationships and their love for the school is evident.
- An effective partnership between home, school and parish creates a community based on Catholic tradition and practice with Christ at the heart.
- Strong leadership ensures all staff are highly aspirational for the pupils in their care.
- Pupils’ behaviour is outstanding.
- Relationships between staff and children are excellent and as a result pupils have a secure understanding that they are cared for and are valued