The Place Where I Live
This first half term, we have spent time looking at ‘The Place Where I Live’ for our Geography topic, with a focus on our local area and the United Kingdom. Before we started our topic, we thought about our previous learning from year 1 so we could build on this.
As part of our geography topic, ‘The Place Where We live’, the children have been learning the four countries of the UK and how to locate them, along with their capital cities and surrounding seas. The children have been improving their map skills by using an atlas to support this learning.
The children continued to improve their map skills as they spent time exploring and locating characteristics- landmarks within the UK.
We then moved on to look more at physical and human features. The children had touched on this in Year 1 so we revisited this and built on it by relating this to our local area. The children identified physical and human features from photographs.
The children then built on this knowledge by working with aerial photographs to identify human and physical features of their local area.
The next part of our Geography topic was focused on fieldwork. The class went out to explore the school grounds and they recorded their observations.