Today I would like you to read the book ' The Zipbot'. The book has all of the sounds we have all ready learnt including the new sounds z, zz, y. There is also the digraph 'qu' which your children will be learning this week so they might need a little support with this. The phase 3 tricky words he and she also appear in this book. I wonder if you can spot them?
You can find this book on Oxford owl in the letters and sounds section.
Expressive Art and Design
- Watch Miss Tyrer telling the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Try to join in if you can (video on the literacy page for today).
- Set up your own Goldilocks and the Three Bears role play area. Find props around the house that you can use. E.g 3 bowls, 3 chairs, 3 cushions (beds), 3 teddy bears. If you can leave your role play set up all week so you can play in it every day and become more confident retelling and acting out the story. If you have siblings include them in your play or even a grown up! Try to use expression in your voice for characters for example a loud daddy bear voice. You could try and join in with the repeated refrains such as "who's been sleeping in my bed?!" I would love to see some pictures/videos of your role play area.
- You could make masks or add some other stories about bears to your area.