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Parent information to support our Collective Worship and R.E.D. Curriculum


R.E.D. Branch 1 - Creation and Covenant

We began our topic by looking at a very special book. We could feel that it was heavy, had lots of pages and not many pictures. We learnt that this special book is called the Bible and it tells us all about God. We keep it in a very special place in our classroom. 

We listened to a special story from the Bible about God, Noah’s Ark. We talked about good choices and bad choices and how our actions have consequences. We made a set of classroom rules to help us all feel happy and safe. 

Our Nursery Rules

Be Kind

Move safely

Use quiet voices

Listen to each other 

Tidy away when we have finished 

We talked about how God made our wonderful world. We worked collaboratively to make a collage of our world but we couldn’t help but wonder, how did God actually do it? Maybe the Bible can help us find out…

Today we opened the Golden Box, inside we found a story all about how God created our beautiful world and everything in it. 

‘God created the world and said, ‘Indeed it is very good.’

                                                                        (Genesis 1:31) 

We went on a wonder walk in our beautiful forest and marvelled at all the wonderful things God created for us. 


Journey in Love - Physical

This week we learnt more about how God made us, that we are important to God and that we are God’s special creation. We used mirrors to look at our features and talked about our similarities and differences.

I wonder…

What makes us all different?

Why has God made us all different? 

We worked together using our hands to create a collaborative piece of art work. As we painted, we looked closely at our skin tones, hand and finger prints and talked about how we are all unique. 

We painted self-portraits inspired by the artist, Frida Khalo. We talked about what makes each one of us special and unique. 

‘God says ‘You are precious to me. I love you. I know you.’

                                                                              (Isaiah 43 1-2)


Collective Worship

Loving God, 

Thank you for making me special and unique,


We are beginning to be able to retell The Creation Story using the small world materials…

And story maps! 

Today we walked to Church for Harvest Mass. We were all so excited! 

Today, we were introduced to the Laudato Si’. We talked about how we could help Pope Francis to take care of God’s wonderful world. How could you take care of our planet? 

We examined lots of different materials and sorted them for recycling. 

Then we used some of our waste paper to make new! 

R.E.D. Branch 2 - Prophacy and Promise
