Science at St. Bede's
At St. Bede's we recognise the importance of Science and the teaching and learning of this core subject. The intentions of our Science curriculum are to increase pupils' knowledge and understanding of the world around them, whilst developing the skills associated with Science as a process of enquiry. We develop the curiosity of each child, encourage respect for our environment and provide opportunities for children to work scientifically. Our Science curriculum develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge, enabling children to become enquiry-based learners.
The National Curriculum for Science ensures that all pupils:
At St. Bede's, there is a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum, where teaching and learning shows progression across all key stages within the strands of Science. Teachers plan for practical investigative opportunities within lessons. Children have access to key language and meanings in order to understand and apply these when communicating in a range of ways. A variety of resources are used to develop the knowledge and understanding that is integral to their learning when working scientifically. Attainment will be assessed through topics taught each half-term. Teachers will also complete TAPS focused assessment task and these will be monitored by the subject leader. Children will reflect on previous learning and cross-curricular links will be made where possible. In our school, all staff are responsible for ensuring that all pupils, irrespective of gender, ability, ethnicity and social circumstance, have access to the Science curriculum and make the greatest possible progress and achievement. Our aim is to support the less able and challenge the more able pupils, so that they all reach their potential. Differentiation is planned into lessons to develop pupils' ability, whatever their level. This may be in the form of additional differentiated resources, additional support, targeted questioning, as well as pupils working individually or in small groups. When planning and teaching Science activities, teacher will refer to advice and regulations, detailed in ASE 'Be Safe' and CLEAPPS. Any health and safety recommendations / regulations will be recorded on the MTP document.
Most children will achieve age-related expectations in Science at the end of their cohort year. Children will retain knowledge that is pertinent to Science with a real life context and be able to question ideas and reflect on knowledge. Working collaboratively and practically, children will investigate and experiment, explain the processes used and reason scientifically. The subject leader will monitor and evaluate the impact of Science teaching and learning at St. Bede's, following a timetable of book scrutiny, learning walks, pupil voice, moderation and analysis of assessment data.