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Healthy Balanced Pizza


The children were given a brief from Pizza Hutz, which gave them a success criteria for their pizza design. The pizza design was linked to their science work- the importance of a healthy balanced pizza, (Follow the below Science link to see what we have been up to.)



The children were challenged with making a pizza that was a healthy balanced meal, requiring an item from each of the food groups; carbohydrates, dairy, protein and fruit/ vegetables. 
The children designed their pizza based on the success criteria. 
The children have learnt where food comes from in order to know how to source their ingredients for the pizza. 
The children worked hard to create their own individual pizzas based on their designs. We had lots of smiling faces at the end of the day when they got to take these home to taste!
The children spent some time evaluating their pizzas, considering if they had met the original brief from Pizza Hutz and if what they had produced had been successful. 