Year 6 Team
Mrs Robinson is the class teacher. Mrs Holliday will be teaching Year 6 on Thursdays. Mrs Eastham and Mrs Keane are our class teaching assistant in the mornings and some afternoons. Until February, we are joined by Miss Guinan who is an Associate Teacher with Yarrow Teaching School Alliance.
Year 6 will have P.E. lessons on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
A teacher from Lancashire Music Service will be teaching music lessons on Tuesday mornings. The children are learning clarinets so these will need to be in school on Tuesdays.
There is a whole school collective worship on Monday mornings led by Mrs Clayton and a whole school celebration assembly on Friday afternoons.
Spellings, Homework & Reading Books
Year 6 will have a spelling lesson on Fridays where a new set of spellings will be taught and given out to learn for the week. There will be a spelling test each Friday. Spellings can be practised which can be accessed using this link EDSHED LOGIN
Homework tasks will be sent home on Fridays in a Learning Log. Please can these be brought in on Fridays to be checked.
Pupils are also expected to access Times Tables Rockstars at home to practise their times tables. TTRS can be accessed using this link TTRS LOGIN
Pupils will be sent home a reading record and a reading book. It is important to read with your child as often as possible to develop reading fluency, comprehension and, most importantly, a love of reading! Please use the reading record to log any reading sessions with your child. Reading records are to be brought into school on Fridays to be checked. Reading books can be changed as and when needed using our class library.