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In Art, as part of our Stone Age Topic, we have created different cave drawings. We used a range of tints, shades and tones as well as charcoal and graphite pencils. The children also draw on sandpaper to imagine the texture of the cave walls. At the end, we worked in groups to create our own giant cave drawing - we even used our fingers!

In Science, we investigated which rocks would be strong enough to make new steps for school. We discovered limestone and marble were the toughest.

As part of Art week, we have be creating different types of block printing. We used a range of inks and paper to explore creating fossil art linked to our Science topic. They look amazing!

In Science, we have used biscuits and pudding to make the different layers of soil. We also investigated read soil to see which type was the most permeable.

Fun times in our forest school. We made Stone Age weapons such as bows to help us hunt.

Displays of our fantastic work

Super Fossil art connected to our Science topic and our Woolly Mammoth sculptures.

Sorting rocks by their properties using venn diagrams. We also washed our dirty toys using bossy verbs for our work in English. We will write instructions next week
