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Writing is an important lifelong skill. Children need to learn to write so they can communicate and express themselves. We encourage the children to capture stories, experiences, thoughts and ideas these through drawing lines, dots and circles. Gradually they will begin to make wavy lines and distinct separate marks. If children show an interest and want to write, it is crucial that they should develop hand and finger strength to hold a chunky crayon or pencil comfortably and with control. Eventually they may be able to make attempts to write some very familiar letters, for example from their name

We made some listening ears and went on a listening walk. What can you hear?


‘I can hear birds and bushes moving‘
‘I can hear birds’
‘I can hear children talking’
‘I can hear the reception children’
‘I can hear Miss Tyler’s voice’
‘The wheels on bikes make noise’

We wrote a list of all the different things we could hear.

We love story time in the bell tent on warm sunny days.

Here we are using the ‘Go Find It’ cards to find different objects on the field. 
