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Branch 1- Creation and Covenant

Creation and Covenant

As part of our Branch 1 topic Creation and Covenant, we having been looking at creation and scripture from the Bible. We have focused on when God gave us light. The children created artwork to show the world in darkness when it was dark and desolate. They then created artwork to show the change when God gave us light. 

We have been thinking about the creatures God gave us as part of creation- animals big and small, wild and domestic. The children thought about their favourite animal and how they could care for it.

We learnt about St Francis of Assisi and why he was special. The children reflected on this and thought about how they can live life inspired by him.

Whave been caring for our animals in our vets roles play area.

The children were able to meet some of Gods smallest creatures and learnt how they would care for them. It helped the children to reflect that all of Gods creatures are special. 

We focused on when God created us and our role. We reflected on our role in how we care for our world- God’s creation.

We can care for God’s creation

Still image for this video

We can care for God’s Creation

Still image for this video

We can care for God’s creation

Still image for this video

We can care for God’s Creation

Still image for this video

The children spent time outdoors to explore our school ground and thing about all the wonderful things God has given us. 

We looked at the Nicene Creed And the children recognised that not all gifts from God are visible and that in-fact some of the wonderful gifts we have been given are invisible. 

As a class we have been exploring prayer and recognising that praying can be done in lots of different ways. The children reflected on how they like to pray. 

As a class we have been exploring Laudato Si and considering why this was written. The children learnt more about Pope Francis and his role. We reflected on how we could ensure we care for our common home. 

Year 1 have made a pledge to work to reduce waste paper within our school!
