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Phonics is a key skill that supports the development of early reading skills. At St Bede’s, we combine quality phonics teaching and the promotion of reading for pleasure to provide our pupils with the skills they need to have a successful start to their lives as readers.


Using the DFE validated scheme Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS). We intend our pupils to be able to:


  • Recognise, say and write all phonemes within each phase of Essential Letters and Sounds
  • Use their phonic knowledge to blend and segment phonetically decodable words
  • Use their phonic knowledge to attempt to read and write more complex words
  • Read Harder to Read and Spell words
  • Write clearly, accurately and coherently, using their phonic knowledge
  • Develop their reading and writing fluency
  • Love listening to and reading simple stories 




Phonics will be delivered daily as part of our Early Years and Key Stage One curriculumThrough effective organisation and delivery of the subject, we have:


  • A DFE validated scheme of work that teaches specific, relevant and ambitious vocabulary (Essential Letters and Sounds -ELS)
  • A cohesive and consistent approach to teaching phonics, where daily sessions follow the same structure (review, teach, practice, apply) which promotes independence, resilience and success in all our learners
  • Ensured that staff are equipped with the necessary professional development to deliver our curriculum
  • Daily whole class phonics sessions in Early Years and Key Stage 1
  • Phonics sessions for some children in Key Stage 2 who need further support
  • A progressive scheme of work where the teaching of phonics begins in Nursery (Phase 1) and then continues from the very first days of Reception. This progresses with the children at a sustained pace and they improve their ability to segment and blend sounds, and their ability to apply this knowledge into their reading and writing
  • A rigorous assessment system that informs teaching, including diagnostic assessments and half termly checks
  • Appropriate ELS interventions to ensure children Keep Up rather than Catch Up
  • Regular reading opportunities and story times for all children in school
  • 100% decodable books in phonics lessons so that children can directly apply their new knowledge and phonic skills at an appropriate level. We use a range of decodable books which have been carefully organised to match the sounds your child is learning
  • A Phonics Screening Check for Year 1 in the summer term and for those in Year 2 who need to resit
  • A subject leader who monitors teaching and learning to improve standards and outcomes
  • A curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils (including SEND)
  • Parental workshops to provide parents and carers with the skills and knowledge to support their children’s phonic learning at home    




  • Pupils will be confident in their phonic knowledge
  • Pupils will be able to blend and segment words confidently
  • Pupils will pass the Phonics Screening Check
  • Develop a culture where a secure knowledge of phonic sounds enables reading for pleasure as part of our reading curriculum


