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Physical Development

Here are our little ones leaning how to use knives to butter their toast. 

Dough disco! Dough Disco helps to strengthen children's fine motor muscles to enable them to develop their pencil grip which in turn will help to develop their writing skills.

Exploring the adventure playground helps us to develop our physical strength and coordination. 

This term the children will take part in ‘Tots on Tyres’ sessions with the School Development Team. The children will learn how to; 

  • identify parts of a balance bike
  • get on and off a balance bike
  • push and glide
  • stop safely
  • control and steer a balance bike
  • be aware of your surroundings
  • share space with others

In our weekly P.E. Sessions with Mrs Murray, we have been learning how to travel across, balance and jump off the large apparatus. 
