Activities to develop early writing
· Copy patterns using building blocks, matchsticks, coins, buttons, pegboards. Make it harder by taking away the original and asking the child to copy it from memory
· Copy basic shapes and patterns using playdough, drawing in sand, using pipe cleaners
· Mazes
· Walk along a rope, string, or taped line
· Follow-the-leader in different shapes
· Making your own body look like the different shapes
· Finger painting with shaving cream, paint, cornflour and water
· Sand drawing with sticks, fingers, rakes, spades or even feet
· Make the shapes out of pipe cleaners, Wikkistiks or string
· Water painting on a brick wall using a paintbrush or a squirter bottle
· Tracing with stencils using finger paints, marker pens or crayons
· Join the stars/stickers to make the shapes
· Drawing in the air with a ribbon stick or wand
· Games with matching the different shapes
· Use an upright chalkboard or paper pinned to a wall