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 New topic: Changing Coastlines 


Week beginning 22/6/20


This week, we will explore how places looked in the past compared to the present. 

This week's activity:

Week beginning 15/6/20


This week, we are learning about how Coastal Erosion is changing the coastlines of the country. In the previous weeks, you have learnt how erosion and weathering slowly wear away rocks, changing the shape of them. Over time, you can see how this erosion and weathering can make a significant difference on the coastlines. Look carefully at the pictures below and make some notes about what changes you can see:






Watch the video from BBC bitesize (link below) in which a resident of a coastal town explains the effect that this erosion has on the town: 


Once you have watched this, complete this follow up activity:


Mr Smith is thinking of purchasing this house on the coast:

He is hoping that it will be a great place to raise his young daughter and that one day in the future, he can leave the house to his daughter who can raise her own family there. 


Write a short letter to advise Mr Smith on what the pros and cons are of buying this house (e.g. why would it be good to live near the beach and what are some of the dangers that he may face due to coastal erosion)


Week beginning 8/6/20

Building on from last week, we will be learning about the features of coasts. 

Read through the slides below to learn about how features of coasts are created:

Caves, Arches, Stacks and Stumps animation

This week's activity is to create a storyboard to describe how arches, stacks and stumps form. To remind yourself, you can re-watch the video above. Put these captions in the correct order and draw a picture to illustrate what is happening in each.

Week beginning 1/6/20


This week, we are introducing our topic by learning about Weathering and Erosion. Weathering is the process of wearing away rocks. Over time, the wearing away of rocks changes the shape of objects such as cliffs, rivers and even buildings. 


There are 3 different types of weathering as well as Erosion:

* Biological Weathering

* Chemical Weathering 

* Physical Weathering 


Below are some different activities for each type of weathering to learn more about them. Once you have completed the activities you could create a poster to describe the 4 different processes of Erosion and Weathering:


1) Erosion

Watch the video on this link to learn about how the process of erosion can gradually change the shape of rocks (you may remember this from Year 4!).



2) Biological Weathering 

Biological Weathering is the wearing away of rocks over time by plants, animals and microbes. Look at the pictures below and see if you can figure out how the plants, animals or microbes have worn the rocks away over time.

3) Chemical Weathering 

This is the process of rocks being worn away by chemical reactions. Complete this simple experiment to demonstrate how chemical reactions could have a significant effect on rocks:


4) Physical Weathering

This is where rocks keep their same size and shape but are cracked or broken apart by movements in the earth or other physical processes. Complete the simple activity below by filling a plastic bottle with water and freezing it overnight to see how frozen water could cause cracks in rocks. 














  Let there be Light!  

Week beginning 18/5/20

Watch the video below then read the slides for information on this week's activity. 






Week beginning 4/5/20

This week we will be learning what happens when light is refracted.

Explore these slides to learn about the refraction of light

Here are the two investigations to carry out to explore the concept of refraction:


Refraction is the idea of lines being bent which creates the illusion of things appearing differently. Artists can also use the concept of bending lines to create the illusion of a drawing being in 3D. Follow the video tutorial below to learn how to use bending lines to create a 3D effect. 







Week beginning 27/4/20


This week we will be learning about how light is reflected. 

Explore these slides to learn about reflection of light

This week's task is to use what you have learnt about the angles of reflection to try and create your own periscope! See below for some ideas of how to do this. You may have to adapt the ideas a little bit depending on what materials you have available!

Once you have made your own periscope, you could undertake some research into the history of the periscope. Find out about when and where it was invented and all of the different uses around the world. 

You could present this research as a powerpoint, a video, a poster or just some written notes.  





Week beginning 20/4/20

Explore these slides to learn about how light travels in straight lines and therefore how we see.

Watch the video clip on BBC bitesize: 


Have a go at setting up your own experiment similar to the experiment that the lady sets up in the video to explore how light travels in straight lines. 

As a follow up to learning about this, you could create an animation on scratch ( to show how light travels in straight lines and how light rays reflect off an object into our eyes so we can see them. 

Witnessing Jesus as the light of the world - some R.E. activities on the theme of Pentecost
