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Our Fraction Museums

This week, we travelled to Burnley Youth Theatre to join with our linked school: Stonyholme Primary, in Burnley. Throughout the day, we took part different activities including: dance and drama. We had a great day getting to know our new friends and cannot wait for them to join us at the end of March when they visit our school. 

In our next book, How To Make A Woolly Mammoth, we used imperative verbs to clean our dirty animals.

We learnt all about Stone Henge. After, we had fun making a replica out of biscuits. We also completed our cave art using charcoal, paint and chalk.

We were lucky to be vistied to by Mr Egypt who spent the day with us. We made cave art, tasted delicious berries and bread that we would have gathered ourselves. It was a great day.

Stone Age Work. We made spears, desgined jewellery and created Cave Art.

We started our Stong Age Topic by gathering round our fire-pit as part of our initiation into our class tribe. Every child chose a stick and made their best cave person roar!!
