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Autumn Term 1 – Phase 2

Week 1: s  a  t  p

Week 2: i  n  m  d

HRS words: I  the  no

Week 3: g  o  c  k

HRS words: put  of  is 

Week 4: ck  e  u  r 

HRS words: to  go  into

Week 5: ss

HRS words: pull

Assess and review week

Week 6: h  b  f  ff  l  ll

HRS words: as  his


Autumn Term 2 – Phase 3

Week 1: j  v  w  x

HRS words: he  she  buses

Week 2: y  z  zz  qu  ch

HRS words: we  me  be

Week 3:  sh  th (voiced and unvoiced) ng  nk

HRS words: push

Week 4: ai  ee  igh  oa

HRS words: was  her

Week 5: -es (where there is no change to the root word)

Assess and review week

Week 6: Review week

HRS words:  my  you


Spring Term 1 – Phase 3-4

Week 1: oo (book)

HRS words: said  so  have

Review week

Week 2: ar  ur  oo (food) or

HRS words: they  all  are

Week 3: ow  oi  ear  air 

Week 4: ure  er  ow 

HRS words: ball  tall

Week 5: Assess and review week             

HRS words: when  what

Week 6: Review week


Spring Term 2 – Phase 3-4

Week 1: Review week

HRS words: said  so  have

Week 2: Review week

HRS words: were  out  like

Week 3: Review week

HRS words: some  come  there

Week 4: Review week

HRS words: little one do

Week 5: Assess and review week             

HRS words: children  love

Week 6: Review week


Summer Term 1 – Phase 4

Week 1: cvcc words

-ed /ed/

Week 2: ccvc words

-ed /t/

Week 3: ccvcc

-ed /d/

Week 4: cccvc

Week 5: Assess and review week             

Week 6: cccvcc

-er -est  


Summer Term 2 – Phase 5 Introduction

Week 1: ay  ou  ie  ea 


HRS words: oh  their

Week 2: oy  ir  ue  aw

HRS words: people  Mr  Mrs

Week 3: wh  ph  ew  aw

HRS words: your  ask  should

Week 4: au  ey  a-e  e-e

HRS words: would  could  asked 

Week 5: Assess and review week             

HRS words: house  mouse  water

Week 6: i-e   o-e   u-e    c

HRS words:  want   very


HRS: Harder to read and spell words

GPC: Grapheme-phoneme correspondence
