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General Information

Year 1 Team

Mrs Derbyshire is the class teacher. Mrs Holliday will be teaching Year 1 on a Friday. Mrs Kenyon and Miss Hobson are our teaching assistants.



Year 1  will have P.E.lessons on a Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. A teacher from Lancashire Music Service will be teaching Music lessons on a Tuesday afternoon in Year 1.

There is a whole school collective worship on Monday mornings led by Mrs Clayton and a whole school celebration assembly on Friday afternoons.


Spellings, Homework & Reading Books

Homework tasks will be sent home on a Tuesday and must be returned the following Monday in the homework book  provided.

Year 1 will bring home a library book each week for you to share together this will help promote 'a love for reading'.


Year 1 will bring home a new set of spellings each week related to our weekly  ELS Phonic sounds.

Week 1 and 2 are review and assessment weeks.


Year1 will also bring home each week the new Phonic sounds to practise with you.


Children will also bring home a Maths Activity related to our Weekly Maths class work.

Autumn Topic 1 is Place Value. These activities will  support each weeks class learning.


Thankyou for your support.

Mrs Derbyshire


.Pupils will be sent home a reading record and a reading book.

It is important to read with your child every night to develop a 'love for reading' and the ability to sound and blend words with fluency and understanding.


All Homework will be added to their  homework book each week. Please cover the book with wrapping paper.
