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Food Technology 



  • Create your own version of one of the Banksy pieces. You could sketch this or use the paint programme on your computer.
  • Follow this link to a youtube channel which has loads of drawing tutorials for kids.
  • Design a postcard to send to somebody who might be feeling a little bit lonely. You could add a kind message and post it to them.
  • Create your own short comic book story. 
  • Complete the coffee ring challenge! This is where you take a coffee cup stain on a piece of paper and use your imagination to make it into something! See examples below:


  • Set up an experiment to investigate the effect that soap has on the growth of bacteria. You could do this using slices of bread - touched with either clean or dirty hands - and observe the growth of bacteria over time. 
  • Research your favourite animal and create a fact file about it including information about its habitat, what it eats and how it is adapted to its environment.
  • Visit the MysteryDoug page (on the useful websites link) and watch some of his videos and complete some of his activities.
  • Using only limited materials (e.g. paper, straws, cardboard), see if you can build a tower which will support a small weight.
  • If you have a garden, build a small mini-beast hotel. Observe it over several days and keep a note of any wildlife you see. You could then create a classification key with these creatures. 


  • Talk to your parents or call your grandparents (if you can) to try and create a family tree - see how far back you can trace your family!
  • Make a list of the 10 things you would pack if you were to be evacuated like children were in WWII.
  • Talk to somebody who is older than you and conduct an interview to try and find out how their childhoods were different to your own.
  • Create a time capsule to hide somewhere in your house or even bury in your garden. 


  • Create a map of your bedroom. Try to draw it to scale if you can (e.g. 1m = 10cm).
  • Over a few days, make notes about where each of the food items you eat have come from. You could plot these on a world map.
  • Use google maps to virtually visit different capital cities around the world.
  • Imagine you are a travel agent. Plan the perfect cruise itinerary - think about what countries you would visit, what sights you would see whilst you are there and what oceans or seas you would travel across to get there. 


  • Create a powerpoint about 5 different things that begin with the same letter as your name! (e.g. Bob could do a powerpoint about balloons, bricks, bays, badges and Brazil!) 
  • Use Scratch (link on useful websites page) to create a short animation with two characters.
  • Use the internet to do some research about your new high school.
  • Use paint or 3D paint (if you have it) to design your own robot. Think about what skills you would like your robot to have (e.g. an internal kettle to make unlimited mugs of hot chocolate!).



  • Write and illustrate a prayer card to pray for any people who are struggling in these difficult times.
  • Create your own storyboard or short animation of the story of Easter.
  • Read some Bible stories and think about what message you can take from them and apply in your own life.
  • Design and make an Easter cross.
  • Make an Easter card to send to somebody you haven't seen for a while. 