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This week our topic learning is based on the book 'What We'll Build' by Oliver Jeffers. Below I have suggested some activities linking to the book as well activities linking to our R.E lessons and P.E sessions Please see the activities below and upload any completed work to your child's 2simple evidence me account.

WHAT WE'LL BUILD. By Oliver Jeffers

  • Pause the video at the point where it shows the tools. Can you name the tools that the characters have gathered? Do you have any similar tools at home? Can you label them? 
  • What would you build? If you have some Lego or building blocks at home see what you can build. Can you build a road out to the moon? Or a comfy place to rest? You might want to use recycling if you have any such as cardboard boxes, plastic bottles or lids. 


  • The story tells us that the character ‘sets the things they love aside’. What things do you love? Can you draw, paint, colour, make a picture of all of the things you love?

PE With Joe 2021 | Monday 11th Jan
