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Personal, Social, Emotional Development

Today we met our big Year 6 friends. We spent some time getting to know them and celebrating BBC Children in Need together.

This week we have started our My Happy Mind lessons. This helps us to understand how our brains and bodies work.

Today we learnt how our brain grows when we learn something new! We complete a sorting activity to help us decide what our brain helps us to do.

Today we had a very special visit from the Life Bus. We learn all about our bodies and what is inside. Where we get our energy from and why sleep is important. It was lots of fun we even listened to a song sung by Gerald the Giraffe! 

Today we spent some time thinking about how we can make our classroom a safe, happy, positive learning environment. We shared our thoughts and wrote a list of our ideas, we decided that these would become our class rules. We then painted our hands and made a promise to each other that we would follow our rules.
