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Admission to St Bede's Catholic Primary School


Welcome to St Bede's Catholic Primary School. Our Mission Statement is to 'Love, Learn, Serve' and we firmly believe in trying to provide the best possible education in a happy and supportive setting.

Each child is unique and we aim to give them the opportunities and environment to grow and develop into confident individuals. As a school we support our St Bede's family, including our parents and the wider community, to ensure that all children are valued.

If you are a prospective parent, or the parent of a child already in school, we hope you will find our website a useful window to life at St Bede's. 


If you have any questions, would like to make a late application or need to make an in-year school transfer please contact the School Office on 01772 335861 or e-mail to discuss.

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements (including our oversubscription criteria) below. 

Open Events - Reception 2025

Does your child start Reception class in September 2025?

A warm welcome awaits at St Bede's Catholic Primary School. 

We also have a wonderful nursery for 3-4 year olds.


If you would like to arrange a tour of our school with Mrs Clayton please contact the School Office on 01772 335861 or


Appeals for routine Reception places are heard at Local Authority panels, usually at County Hall in Preston. 

Parents can complete an appeal form by visiting:


In Year Applications

How do we consider applications to each year group? (In year applications)


What if St Bede's has a place available?

We will consider if the year group is currently full. Our admission number at the moment is 30 per year group. If there is a place available then parents should complete the In Year Admissions Application Form below and make an appointment to meet the Headteacher and view the school. At this meeting we will ask parents to discuss the reasons for the move. If a place is available the Headteacher will request parents inform the current school at their earliest opportunity. The Headteacher will liaise with your child's current school and you to arrange a suitable start date. We encourage children to start at the beginning of a new term but know that in some circumstances this is not possible.

What if there is no place available?

The Governing Body alone is the admitting authority in a Catholic school. If the Year group is full but you would still like a place at St Bede's, please write to the Governing Body stating your case as to why you would like a place. Please include as much detail as possible. The Governing Body will make a decision as to whether to admit on a case by case basis.


Written applications should be addressed to the Appeals Committee and delivered to the School Office. We will accept e-mail applications which should be sent to

If the Governing Body decides to admit your child then the normal process explained above will commence.
