The Seasons
Do you know what the word 'season' means? The seasons are four parts of the year that change due to weather and day light hours.
Watch the video below and talk to your grown up about what you notice.
Do you know what season it is at the moment? Today it is your job to become a nature detective and try to work out what the season is at the moment. You will need to go for a walk or into the garden and look for clues as to which season it could be.
Once you have decided you can make a poster or draw a picture, make a book or even a video to explain what the season is and tell me how you know. When you have finished please upload your work to your 2simple evidence me account.
Try to explain your ideas, You may say or write something like this:
"I think it is winter because there are no leaves on the trees"
"I think it is spring because there are daffodil shoots growing"
"I don't think it is winter anymore because there is no snow on the ground"
"I don't think it is summer because it is too cold to wear my swimming costume outside"
"It can't be autumn anymore because their are no conkers on the ground"