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Homework and Spellings:

  • Homework is set every Friday in the Learning Log  and should be returned by the following Friday (unless a different date has been specified). Activities will relate to work carried out in class that week. Occasionally the children will be asked to carry out some research or complete a mini project.
  • Spellings will be sent home every Monday and tested the following Friday. Children should break a word down into syllables and try to spell each syllable separately by sounding them out. They should use the Look, Cover, Write,Check method.
  • Times tables will be tested every Friday. We will practice them daily in school but the children should work on these at home too. By the end of this year, Year 3 children need to be able to recall multiplication and division facts for the 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x and 10x tables.
  • Reading books are changed Monday and Thursday. It is the children's responsibility to put their book out for changing. 

Learning Log Friday 14th September
