Year 2 have been extremely busy so far this half term! We have had a WOW start to our new topic 'The Farm Shop' by inviting a farmer to come and talk to us about crops and farming! Mandy the farmer even bought us some new books about growing sunflowers, and shown us how we make bread and cereals from the seeds cultivated! We have investigated seeds in a range of fruits and we enjoyed tasting the different fruits from peppers to pomegranates. We have also made a fruit salad while researching where the fruit is grown and how it is grown. To consolidate our learning about plants, I have arranged a trip to Cuerden Valley to participate in a 'plants and habitats' programme. This trip will be on Thursday 27th April. A letter will be sent home nearer to the time to give further details. The cost of the full day trip will be £6.50.
The children will also plant a seed this week and it will go home with them for them to care for at home.