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Parent information to support our Collective Worship and R.E.D. Curriculum

R.E.D. Branch 1 - Creation and Covenant.

Today went to our church -St Bede’s for our Harvest Mass. we listened to Year 5 read the First Reading and say some bidding prayers. We sang Autumn Days and Praise Him at the end.

Today Mrs Derbyshire t told us about her family and then made her family tree

Big friend Little friend Mass September 2024

Today we met our big friend and we shared stories together.

Caring for our environment just as God asked us. We have put signs up to remind us to tidy up carefully turn the tap off to save water and to plant flowers and trees

Today we watched David Attenborough singing What a wonderful world! We loved the video and watched it again!

We created the sea, land, animals, trees and us on our tough tray. We started to make earth in crepe paper. We had to tear and scrunch small pieces of green and blue paper.

After watching David Attenborough. ~ What a wonderful world! we finger painted wonderful flowers and animals.

We have been learning the sign of the cross and our daily prayers. We sing Good morning Lord we praise your holy name ...We say a lunch time prayer - Bless us oh Lord and an end of day prayer- Now the day is over we come to say Thankyou for your Love today...

Today we listened to the Creation Story

Art work around the creation story

Today we introduced are special resources for our RE sessions each day. Golden Box Golden Tree Golden Candle.

Today we created our classroom rules. Everyone made a hand print to agree to follow the rules.
