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Welcome Letter



I hope you are all well and have had a lovely summer break. I am very excited to welcome you all the children back to school and meet all parents/ carers for the first time. We will be welcoming the children into our class with myself and Mrs Keane, who is our class teaching assistant.


Mrs Keane will be with us every morning to help support the class. Mrs Keane will also be covering part of my PPA on a Thursday afternoon. The other half will be covered by Mrs Murray who will take the children for PE.


We will have rules to follow about hygiene, with hand washing at different points in the day. When the children come in in the morning they will drop off their coats in the cloakroom and they will wash their hands before they come back into class ready to start the day. We will then be washing hands throughout the day at different times. 


We will start of the first week spending time getting to know each other and learning our new routines, getting outside as much as possible. I am looking forward to finding out all about my new class and hopefully they will enjoy learning new things all about me.


We will begin working on our Year 2 curriculum straight away, however I am aware of any areas missed last year in Year 1, and these areas will be picked up on wherever necessary. We will continue to work on our phonics and will be focusing mainly on phase 5. Reading will be a huge focus for us this year and the support at home with this is essential to support the progression of the children.


Our first topic this year will be ‘The Place Where I Live,’ which will have us exploring the world in which we live and our local environment through various stories and through our foundation subjects. 


PE days are on a Wednesday morning and a Thursday afternoon. Please can you ensure children have their correct PE kit and that no ear rings are worn on these days as this will exclude the children from being able to take part in the PE sessions. Please can I also ask that are children bring a water bottle into school so they have access to a drink throughout the day.


I hope the children are all ready to come back and join us in school and are reassured that coming back to school will involve lots of fun, safe activities. I am really looking forward to starting our Year 2 journey together and can’t wait to see them all. 


If you have any questions, then please feel free to contact me on my teacher email;


Miss Clarkson. J

