Hi everyone.
This is our last week of work. Well done for keeping going through the past few months. I do know how hard it has been and I am extremely proud of you. Thank you to the parents and grandparents who have also worked VERY hard to keep the children going with their work.
I have tried to come up with some fun things to do in each subject this week. Hope you enjoy.
Keep safe.
Mrs H x
6th July
Hi everyone - hope you are well? Hope you are managing to get outside despite the dreadful rain. How is your work going? Only 2 weeks left now in our Year 3. I'm so proud of you for keeping sending your work for me to look at. It's so lovely for us to keep in touch and really very important.
What's been happening this week.....I've just finished your reports this week so you will be getting them sometime next week. I've said lovely things about you all!
In class (mainly Year 3 and some Year 2 children), we have completed:
Some English and Maths work - same as you guys. We have created Maths pictures using different shapes...built towers from pasta and marshmallows....used the I-pads to create coding sequences...made under the sea habitats from boxes and materials....we have had music with Mr Cairns where we have been playing the glockenspiels.
We are missing the rest of you terribly and can't wait for us to be all together again soon!
Hi everyone,
Hope you are all ok? Some of you are back in class this week. It will be strange not having us all back, but exciting to see some of you. I will upload some pictures of us in class so everyone can see what we have been up to and we keep our connection together as a class.
For everyone at home, we must keep in touch with each other so please send your work and any pictures so we can see what everyone is doing. If I am slower at replying than usual, it is just because I am teaching now full time. I will promise to reply as soon as I can.
I will let you know when the next zoom meeting is sometime this week. I will have two smaller meetings so everyone will get a chance to speak properly as it is hard when there are so many of us.
Keep safe...miss you!
Mrs H x
Hi everyone.
Hope you are all well. Seems like forever since we have all seen each other! Keep sending your email messages, photos and work. It's so important we all keep in touch. I check many times a day to see if you have messaged. Send any ideas for work - especially writing or any books you think would be good to link our writing to. I've tried a new book for reading and writing tasks this week. Hope you enjoy it.
Take care - be good - stay safe
Mrs H xx
Hello everyone. Just wanted to say hi, and say I hope you are all ok? I know many of you are working so hard to keep safe and well and to keep your brains from melting into a Minecraft or Roblox mush by completing some work. Well done for keeping learning – I really am proud of you all.
Guys, be kind to your parents…this is not easy and they are doing their absolute best. Please, please, for me, if they ask you to do some work, do it the best you can. They are only trying to make sure you are keeping up. Don’t make it harder for them by rolling on the floor in a tantrum…or saying you can’t do it….or crying…I’ve seen all this from William and Lydia over the last 6 weeks.
For mums and dads - I know, as a mum of a 14-year-old and 10-year old, how challenging (and I’m being polite here) home-schooling is. It’s tough. Like I’ve said before, just do your best. We will catch up when we are back at school so no worrying.
I am trying to think of ideas to make it as fun, worth-while and not taxing on you all so if you have any ideas, please email me to let me know. Similarly, if you need a chat or just to touch base email me anytime.
Mrs Holliday x
**New Information**
As you will have read via Parent-mail, as a staff, we have responded to the on-going home schooling situation by making some changes to our learning so it is current and matches what we would be teaching the children at school.
I will continue to upload work to the Reading and writing section on a Monday. Any answers to these will then be uploaded on Wednesday for you to check.
* I will be uploading Maths work on a Monday. This will follow the summer work set by Whiterose Maths. More information on our Maths section.
* Each Friday, I will continue to upload some spelling activities onto the spelling section.
* On the topic page, there are lots of different activities that you can choose from to complete as well.
*I will be adding a new section called 'New Topic' page to which I will add new activities at the beginning of each week
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Also, please continue to send any of your work as I love to see it.
Welcome back after Easter. I hope you've all been enjoying the sun - from your garden, of course! Hope you are all safe and well.
I am uploading our work again from this week. It will have the same structure as last half term.
For this week, continue with your Roman topic work but I will be adding some new Science ideas next week...so look out for them.
Please don't forget to email any questions about the work or any pictures of your work. I love hearing from you and seeing what work you have done.
Hi everyone! Hope you are all safe. I am missing you all terribly. It's lovely to read your emails and see your pictures. Keep sending them!
For Easter, I have created some fun things for you to do. We have agreed that we will suspend the lessons until the 20th April so that you get a break.
Hope you enjoy them. Lots of love, Mrs Holliday xx
Welcome to the Year 3 Home Learning page. Hope you have all had a good weekend.
I have tried to provide the children with enough work so that they don’t get bored but please don’t feel everything must be completed. If something is too tricky, just leave that question and move on. I am here to help if anyone needs any guidance with work.
Please remember that I am contactable by email if you need any help with anything or would like to send me pictures of any of your work. I will publish any of the work so others can see it also.