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Garden Update - July 2019

Science-identifying which materials have been used in the school environment.

Tucking in to rhubarb crumble made from rhubarb grown in the school garden.

Garden update June 2019

What's been happening in the garden over Easter?

Practising rotating and following positional instructions.

Year 2 British Values Artwork - Individual Liberty

Planting seeds and plants on the last day of the spring term.

Visit to the garden to observe changes to the plants.

Exploring different habitats in our Forest School during Working Scientifically Week.

March 2019 - during science week, we discovered that our hyacinth bulbs had been planted into a suitable habitat to grow into flowering plants.

Science - Living Things - Sorting and classifying into dead, alive or never been alive.

Garden Update February 2019

Investigating which material to use to make a space nappy for Bob, the astronaut.

Looking for signs of spring in the school garden.

We sorted a range of foods into the different food groups.

Science Investigation - do children run faster as they get older?

January 2019 - busy making a collage of books in RE.

Guess who came to visit Year 2 at the Christmas party?

Plastics Day - making our own Stanley the jellyfish out of recycled plastic.

Enjoying the Year 2 Fire Safety Talk

Working together to position physical and man-made features on our school playground plan.

Practising making quarter, half and full turns, clockwise and anti-clockwise.

Playing Heroes and Villains - finding 10 more and 10 less.

Busy planting Spring bulbs.

Preparing the soil for the planting of Spring bulbs.

Observing our school and local area in days gone by.

Our first day back at school - weeding in the school garden.
