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Summer 2 Week 1 - 1/6/20

This week, we are carrying on with our Minecraft/Roblox/Imaginary world work. I would like you to plan and write a story involving the characters and world you have created. 

Think about the following: no more than 2 characters.

What happens in their story - do they set off on a journey and get lost...find themselves in danger/get trapped somewhere/or are attacked. Think back to our work about the Stone Age. It can have a similar theme. Don't over complicate it. They set off somewhere to do something and something happens to them. 

The usual things need to be in your writing:

Prepositions....noun phrases to describe your character and settings...Different conjunctions including using them for openers e.g. When...As...Since...Although...If....

Can't wait to read them. Also, send me some more ideas what we can write about next....Sci-fi...Wizards...Dragons...??? What do you want to write about?

Week Monday 18th May

Grammar Work - You can complete a couple of activities...or all of them. The idea is you practise the work we began last week about the Perfect Tense. 

Minecraft Task Week Two 

Task Two

We are going to write instructions for building something in your world. It can be the house…a shed…a school…a ride…a tree anything you want.


Things I would like to see in your writing (the usual list as always!!! You must know it off-by-heart now).

  • Noun phrases e.g. long, sharp pic-axe…..tall, thorny tree with large dark-green leaves
  • Prepositions e.g. in the ground….on the ledge….beside the tree stump…near to the red front door.
  • Conjunctions e.g. when…since…as…if….so…because…once…although…which
  • Different  ways to open your sentences:
  • Use time adverbs e.g. Next…After that…Then…Finally…
  • Use conjunctions: When…As..Once
  • Verbs at the start  – Dig…Build…Place…Cut…Chop….
  • This is an example of some instructions to remind you what to do. Don’t forget to list the equipment you will need first.




Minecraft Madness

For the next couple of weeks, we are going to create some writing centred around Minecraft OR Roblox.


For this week, I want you to create a place to live: e.g. a house, a farm, a school. If you don’t play either of these games, then create your own house, in your own imagined land.


  1. Draw the place….or build it and take a photo.
  2. You must describe the features of the place using conjunctions, noun phrases and prepositions e.g. When you step through the large, red front-door, you find yourself inside the…..

Here are some ideas:


Conjunction and Preposition Starters - Once inside…Once upstairs…When you enter…Inside the…As you walk into…Upstairs…When you climb the stairs made of….After that….Then….In the flower-filled garden….At the end of the…Near the…


Prepositions – in, on , beside, between, next to, in-front, at the end, etc


Adverb Starters – Amazingly, Surprisingly, Carefully, With great care, Slowly, Firstly, etc

Grammar Work for 11/5/20

This week we are going to learn something new. It is called the Perfect Tense. We will start with the first type which is the Present Perfect Tense. It sounds hard, but it really isn’t – I promise. Lots of you use it all the time but just don’t know it.


As this is new learning, and the last thing we have to learn in grammar, in Year 3, just have a go. We will make this a focus for the next few weeks. So….No panicking…no stressing…and no giving parents a hard time!


If you are struggling, email me and I will help.

Main Exaplanation with examples

Animal Antics 

I want you to create some way of sharing information about your favourite animal. It can be a dog, like on the video, cat, rabbit....whatever you want. You can create: a leaflet; powerpoint; recorded video; long as it has some kind of research about the animal and I can see how you have thought about your writing. 

As always, include: a range of openers; conjunctions, noun phrases to describe and prepositions. 

Below are some templates to help you think about what you will research and write about. Looking forward to seeing your writing.

This week's grammar work is also below. The answers are at the bottom of the sheet - no peeking!!!

Grammar work - Recap of areas we have studied

Summer Week 2 - Frogs, Frogs....Ribbit....Ribbit. 


We are continuing our theme from The Twits by creating some writing about Frogs. Have a look at the following Powerpoint about Frogs. Can you:


1. Carry out your own research about frogs - habitat...breeding...their young...different species and where they are found...interesting facts etc. 

2. Make sure you include good openers and also the subordinate conjunctions you have completed in your grammar work below. 

3. You can create a Powerpoint and send it....a poster or information....or an actual non-chronological report. It is up to you. 

Grammar Work - Complete this first before you start the writing as it links.

Writing Task Information and help 


Learn more about those hippity hoppity creatures called frogs.

Summer Term Week 1 - Superhero writing.

After reading about the superhero, Captain Apparatus, you will now become a superhero yourself!!!!! Read on....if you are brave enough???

Week 2 Writing Task. Some descriptive writing for you.....what do you see? cool
Answers to the Italy Facts comprehension in the writing section. 

I have written this activity so it links with the Non-Chronological Reports we were writing before we finished. You can steal lots of ideas from there. Remember fantastic handwriting and full, detailed sentences with CL and FS! 

On the sheet, there is also some information about Italy and a short comprehension to get you starter. I can't wait to see pictures of your work! Enjoy!!! 

Italy Cool Facts - Fun Facts About This Sunny Country!

Italy is one seriously interesting country, from the Ancient Romans, their awesome food, their super speedy cars and an entirely independent state that sits ...
