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Physical Development

The children have been busy making obstacle courses. They really enjoy working in a team to make these. They build all sorts of walkways and obstacles and then climb, balance and walk along them.

We have been developing our fine motor skills by threading pasta shapes. Look at that concentration!

Pancake Day! We have been learning how to use a traditional whisk to mix the ingredients. Then we developed our hand strength by squeezing the lemon and syrup onto our pancakes. Mmmmm! 

Tossing pancakes! 

Jumping takes strength, balance and coordination. Not only is jumping fun, it also leads to the next phases of gross motor development — galloping, skipping, and hopping one one foot!

Mrs Murray has been helping us develop our balance and coordination on the large apparatus.

We have been planting runner beans, sunflowers and tomato plants. We needed to choose the right tools to help us fill the pots and create a hole in the soil for the seed. We wrote labels to help us identify each plant as they begin to grow. 
