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We read the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. Then we retold the story in the correct sequence to make a story map. We put on our coats, wellies and hats and followed the arrows on the map to find the bear. 

Phonics - Instrumental Sounds

This aspect aims to develop children's awareness of sounds made by various instruments and noise makers.

Some activities you could try are:

  • playing instruments alongside a story or nursery rhyme;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • making loud and quiet sounds.

We visit the school library every Friday afternoon. This is a great opportunity for children to explore their love of reading and begin to understand how books are read. Reading is a great way for children to expand their imagination and begin to understanding the world. It helps them develop language and listening skills and prepares them to understand the written world. In the library children have fun and learn to discover books which appeal to them.

The children are beginning to form letters, write their names and use writing in their play. Here are some activities and ideas to encourage writing for you to try at home. 

During our Lunar New Year celebrations we had a go at making marks on xuan paper. We we fascinated by watching the water marks disappear.  

World Book Day! We brought our favourite stories from home to share with our nursery friends. 

We have been learning how to follow a recipe to make golden syrup biscuits. Mmmm! 

Building shoulder strength for early writing! 
