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1. Play splat

Watch the video below to see how to play the game. You can play the game to help with identifying sounds or to practise blending high frequency words and tricky words. I have uploaded a sheet below with some words that you can use. You could use the sound cards that were sent home with your reading books. If you have already returned these to me, I have uploaded the phase 2 and phase 3 sounds below.  You do not need to print the sounds you could write them on some paper and cut them up. 


Splat - Segmenting words

Still image for this video

Letter/sound recognition

Still image for this video

Splat - Tricky words

Still image for this video

2. Lesson 38 (part 2) - Reception

Our Reception Letters and Sounds Phonics lessons teach children to read letters and begin to blend to read words.

Phase 3 Tricky Words Song Say Hello To

Please sponsor me and support my work by becoming a Patron!! 3 Tricky Words song as requested by many :) Tricky word...
