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Expressive Art and Design

We experimented with capturing patterns and textures through leaf rubbings.

Here we are exploring the wonders of Autumn. We used natural materials like conkers, leaves, twigs and pine cones to create a big masterpiece. This allows ours little ones to connect with nature while expressing their creativity. 

Following our autumnal art exploration, the children have been fascinated with colour mixing. This time, they chose their own colours mix and create new shades. It looks very messy but there is some serious learning going on here. Many of the children are demonstrating an enveloping schema. A schema is a repetitive behaviour that helps children to develop and deepen their understanding of concepts. Find out more about schemas below. 

We explored making loud and quiet sounds with lots of different instruments. We particularly liked the cabasa, the glockenspiel and the agogo! 

Firework printing!

Here we are sorting, tearing and gluing down different materials to create a simple collage.

The children are beginning to build imaginative and complex ‘small worlds’ with the construction materials. Block play offers an open-ended, creative and valuable play and learning experience. 

It offers children freedom – to explore, take apart and put back together any block-based creation they can think of.

The children have been fascinated using paint to create prints, with its emphasis on colour. Printmaking can be used as a means of mark-making and provides opportunities to make repeats of the same image. 

Exploration of printmaking with spring. 
