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Our trip to a very wet Pleasure Beach in Blackpool. Scream if you want to go faster!!!

Year 6 Celebration Lunch

Today, we had great fun making Woolton Pie which was a popular meal during the war. The classroom smelt amazing and the pie was absolutely delicious.

This week we have been working Scientifically as part of National Science week. Today, as part of our World War Two Topic, we made parachutes; created our own questions to test and then completed our experiment.

World Book Day. We had a great day dressing up; making cakes and sharing our favourite stories. We have all decided to enter The Great British Bake-Off next year - they were very delicious!

Today we made pancakes. It was great fun. Some of us were expert 'flippers'....some...well, we are working on it!

On Thursday, we visited Tatton Park in Manchester as part of our World War Two Topic. We had a fantastic day pretending to be evacuees and living a day in the life of a child during that time. We loved seeing the animals and nearly smuggled a piglet back to keep as our class pet! 

As part of our English, from the clues given, we predicted what we thought would happen in the Shakespeare play; Macbeth. Many of us have predicted bloody murder, most foul!!!!

We had a great morning in Science dissecting pigs' hearts. We could clearly see the 4 chambers of the heart as well as the aorta and pulmonary vein. It was great fun even though it was a little smelly and a the blood-clots were a bit gross.

On Friday, Year 6 lead a special assembly where we remembered the soldiers who died 100 years ago in Word War One. Each class researched, and made a wreath, to remember a soldier, from the local area, who had died.

This week, we conducted a Science experiment to see how we can best insulate heat.

Today, we took part in our weekly orienteering session. It was great fun!

We were visited by Jo from the NSPCC on Wednesday. We had a great workshop where we learnt all about how to stay safe and speak out.

We had great fun learning all about inherited traits in our genetics Science lesson.
